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Bildet viser offshoreansatte som øver på redningsprosedyrer.
Self-evaluation of competence by nurses working offshore

Today, nurses working in the offshore industry include staff who have specialised in intensive care or anaesthetic nursing as well as staff with no particular specialty. Are there differences between their own perceived competence levels?

Eldre kvinne går nedover sykehjemskorridor
Deficient reporting of falls in nursing homes

Deficient documentation of falls may stop the implementation of necessary preventive interventions. The nursing homes in the study are nevertheless failing to comply with their own documentation requirements.

Bildet viser folk som sitter i ring og har gruppeterapi.
Ethical reflection and awareness in supervision

Nurses can experience moral stress and feel a sense of shame when they are torn between a patient’s needs and the requirements of the treatment system. Ethical reflection in supervision can help.


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